There are three keys for becoming a better golfer and a better business person.
The first key is “information”. Before your shots, you should confirm a lot of things: course layout, hazard and wind.
If you have a lot of information, you can choose the best option.
Of course it’s difficult to succeed every time, but your win ratio will become higher than decisions with little information. Enough information makes you a good decision maker.
Second is “Setting your own target”.
Most golf courses require players to play 72 shots, but it’s not appropriate for average golfers.
Each player should set their own target score. They understand their own skill and want to improve step by step. Some players’ target is 100 and other players’ is 89, A professional player target is less than 70.
If you try 72 shots (par play) without professional level skill, your score will become worse than usual.
This is because choices that are too risky will almost always fail and incur penalties.
Too high a target causes you to lose everything. This is similar in your business.
Finally, “feedback” makes you better.
After playing, you should evaluate about your preparation, judgement and skill.
Sometimes you will get good results with good judgements and wonderful shot skill.
However, if you want to be a good player, you should remember bad shots.
You should analyze your miss shots. There are several reasons of your miss shots, for example aiming, choice of club and swing. After the analysis, you can take correct actions for improving. Your shots will become better next time.
These keys can also be applied to your business.
Before you start a business, you need to gather information for your correct decision. For success you need an appropriate target for your motivation and growth. And then don't forget to give yourself feedback for improvement.
Good luck with both golf and business success!